Collaboration with Associations

During a lot of years, I have dedicated part of my personal time to help in multiple local associations that perform an import part of the social and cultural network of my native and living city: Solsona.


2011 - Current
Board member and currently president

Associació d'empresaris per al Solsonès

An association of local entrepreneurs from which one we collaborate to represent our interests and needs through the local and nearby administrative actors. Also working to estimulate the business activity within our associates and other ones.

2015 - Current
Board member

UBIC Solsona

An association of local merchants in Solsona. Also working to represent our interests and needs through the local and nearby administrative actors, and energizing commercial activity through multiple and various campaigns.

2011 - 2012
Board member

Castellers de Solsona

Currently extincted.

2007 - 2012
Board member

AFCS - Carnaval de Solsona

Association dedicated to co-organize and promote an important cultural and social event during the carnival in Solsona, during more than a week and involving thousand of people. Please visit its site to take a fast tour about what it involves: Carnaval de Solsona